CP UNIT: Ya-ta-ta, it's a good day to be not dead! *пиу* Refugee: Pow, you're dead. CP UNIT: I'm dead! Refugee: *зловещий смех* Phantom: *Пом-пором-пом-пом-пом* Refugee:Ah, schucks! Phantom: Oh, the CP UNIT is dead. CP UNIT: Affirmative, I'm dead. Phantom: Why is that CP unit is dead? Refugee: I dunno. CP UNIT: I think it was-... Phantom and Refugee: Shh! You're dead! CP UNIT: 10-4. *звуки глюченного рэгдолла* CmD: What's up you wankers, who's up for a... What the bloody hell just happened? Phantom and refugee: That CP UNIT is dead! CmD: The CP UNIT is dead! Phantom: Correct! CmD: *счастливая музыка* Phantom: So did you see the murder? CmD and Refugee: Nah, sorry mate. Phantom: I will find him! I will capture him! And no one will ever die again! CmD and Refugee: *аплодируют* SeC: ATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENTION! SeC: That CP UNIT is dead! Phantom: We know! SeC: Who killed him? Phantom: We don't know. SeC: I will find clues! *берет след и находит оружие* SeC: What's that? A weapon! SeC: That thing is why the CP UNIT is dead. Phantom, Refugee and CmD: That CP UNIT is dead! SeC: Yes! He died! Phantom, Refugee and CmD: *удивляются* Helix: INCOOOOMIIING! SeC: *умирает* Helix: Go sharp, go sharp! *целует CP UNIT* CP UNIT: *воскрешается, но не совсем* Helix: In my medical opinion, that CP UNIT is dead! CmD: Helix, what happened? Helix: My professional opinion, *делает мастерское движение-возражение* the CP UNIT was killed! All except Helix: Oh god! *болтовня* Helix: I don't think it's anything to worry about. CmD: Well, now what? City Administrator: Loyalty, motherfucker! Phantom: Oh, c'mon. City Administrator: Look at this, that CP UNIT is dead! City Administrator: What do you think of that? City Administrator: Uhh? Phantom: Yes-yes, City Administrator? City Administrator: Yeah? Phantom: GO HOME! City Administrator: Oh c'mon. *ругается, потом уезжает на машине и взрывается* Phantom: Ok, let's get back straight to the point! CP UNIT: I think, I'm dead. All: That CP UNIT is dead! Helix: Administrator, I will heal you! *взрывается* CP UNIT: Seriously, who killed CP UNIT? Resistance: It was me. I did it like this: *стреляет в CmD, тот умирает* Resistance: That's a joke, lad's. *все смеются* Resistance: It was... him! *указывает на Refugee* Refugee: How did you know? Resistance: I didn't know, that was a joke too. Refugee: *начинает снова маниакально смеяться* Refugee: That's right, it was me! Phantom: You, monster! CP UNIT: But whyyyyy? Refugee: Because you a fatboy in another thing - you're ugly. CP UNIT: Refugee STOP! CP UNIT: Refugee, you're so mean, is not funny. CP UNIT: REFUGEE! Refugee: Ah CP UNIT, fuck off! You're dead! CP UNIT: NO, u. *стреляет в Refugee* CP UNIT: Pow, you're dead! Not big ration reward. Phantom: Well, that was idiotic. Off to hang myself, watch and learn-... *вешается* CP UNIT: I'm alive! Is nice.