Правила: 1. Писать следующее предложение текста песни, по порядку. 2. Если песня кончилась, каждый желающий может начать новую по своему вкусу. Let's go! Я - солдат, Я не спал пять лет и у меня под глазами мешки Я сам не видел, но мне так сказали.
Kamino sadame ni sae hanki woo hirugaesu-u gang star. *music* Osore to ui, kanjou wo Kakikesu rage Akumo ni so mu to Chikatta hi kara
All my friends are heathens, take it slow Wait for them to ask you who you know Pelase don't make any sudden moves You don't know a half of the abuse
There's an infestation in my mind's imagination, I hope they choke on smoke, 'cuz I'm smoking' 'em outta the basement,this is not rap, this is not hip hop, 'jus another attemp' to make the voices stop, rappin' to prove nothin', jus' writin' to say something, 'cuz I wasn't the only one who wasn't rushing to say nothing,this doesn't mean I lost my dream, it's just now I've got really crazy mind to clean.